Monday, September 15, 2008

your drug is a heartbreaker... my love is a lifetaker

I have just gone through my finances and the situation is dire. not terribly, but I think I just realized I buy a lot of stuff. things I don't need. like I buy coffee before work almost every day... if I cut that out and maybe only get it once a week (because please, people, there's no way I can give up pumpkin spice mochas fo'eva) I would save $20 a week. and I have a coffeemaker at my apartment, so it's not a biggie.
but seriously... I thought I had so much money and I really don't. not enough that if I lost my job tomorrow, I'd be able to live for several months. even with a shitty newspaper reporter's salary, I feel like I make a lot of money, for me at least. I just gotta curb the ridic spending.
does anyone have a profile? if so, add me. quickchekgrl. I'm listening now, to the weezer station.
today was a sad day. ross had to be put to sleep. I knew this day was coming. we've had him for 12 years, and the vet estimated he was at least two or three years old when we found him... or when he found us, whatever. my dad was joking that I didn't like ross because he often attacked me, but really he was the best cat ever. even last night, when I went home to see him, he was sprawled out on the bathroom floor (he hasn't left the bathroom since he got sick) but when I came in he lifted up his head and started meowing and purring. it was like he was saying goodbye.

1 comment:

Girl for a New World said...

I just died a whole lot inside.