Thursday, September 18, 2008

and there's a chance that things could get weird, yeah that's a possibility

I have been a vegetarian for four days now. I decided I wanted a challenge, so I am not going to eat meat for a month. this has nothing to do with personal feelings about tasty, furry animals... I just feel not eating meat has health benefits. And if after a month, I don't feel any healthier, back to the chicken it is. because really chicken is the only meat I eat anyway. except for bacon... oh god, bacon. I almost bought veggie bacon at the store but I think it would probably suck and ruin the deliciousness that is hot, greasy bacon.
ughhh I want bacon now.
veggieburgers, though? de-lish. I never got into them, but now, out of necessity, I've become quite fond.

in related news, during this fit to become healthy i have started taking vitamins and trying to eat organic foods. both are expensive and I do not foresee the continuation of this.

i'm bored. peace.

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