Thursday, September 25, 2008

I can't tell the buildings from the people, the strangers from the steeples

I am digging orange juice lately. healthy, yet delicious. probably cause it has a lot of sugar in it. bastards. oh, tropicana. you fickle beverage. but seriously, I bought these little cartons of OJ and they are adorable.

today was a bad day at work but it gave me a new sense of my purpose there... if I'm going to get better at writing, I can't half-ass it. not that I am, in fact, I do three different jobs within any given week. however, the area I can improve most is my writing, so I'm going to stay a little longer at work to get better reads on copy, etc. I want to work more on the Web aspect of news. tomorrow, I'm going to shoot video of Biden's speech for the Web site, because I really suck at video and need practice.

all I know is I've been given a great opportunity. I'm doing what I set out to do when I started college. I'm proud of that. and maybe I shouldn't say I've been "given" that opportunity. I worked damn hard to get where I am. but there are a lot of other qualified graduates that could have taken my place. this gives me all the reason to work harder.

I still think blogs are pretty stupid but I hope this serves as a reminder about where I'm going and what I need to do to get there. peace.
"luck is where preparation meets opportunity"

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

he drinks and thinks about a girl who lies

oh, the bouncing souls, how i missed thee. it has been far too long, even though when I saw you last... in december!... you played a wonderful show. but this setlist was filled with old favorites and it was lovely. I am glad you are touring now, and I am glad I got to see you in philly, because I am in love with it. I am even in love with the mysterious "starlight ballroom" where you played, which was a cross between a disco, roller rink and VFW hall. much appreciation goes out to the random wedding decorations strewn about the hall, and even more so to the wedding party that was apparently coming in as the show got out at 9:30 p.m.

and, oh, thank you for playing "headlights ditch," even if it was only for 30 seconds.

on the way home, we blasted weston and MIZAR and talked about memories of college and parties and people... it reminded me of junior year, when we'd just randomly decide to catch a show in baltimore or D.C. and then skip class the next day.

but that is no more. luckily I didn't have work today, cause I slept rather late.

then I cut off most of my hair.

and then I got angry. really angry. and you don't mess with me when I'm angry.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

and there's a chance that things could get weird, yeah that's a possibility

I have been a vegetarian for four days now. I decided I wanted a challenge, so I am not going to eat meat for a month. this has nothing to do with personal feelings about tasty, furry animals... I just feel not eating meat has health benefits. And if after a month, I don't feel any healthier, back to the chicken it is. because really chicken is the only meat I eat anyway. except for bacon... oh god, bacon. I almost bought veggie bacon at the store but I think it would probably suck and ruin the deliciousness that is hot, greasy bacon.
ughhh I want bacon now.
veggieburgers, though? de-lish. I never got into them, but now, out of necessity, I've become quite fond.

in related news, during this fit to become healthy i have started taking vitamins and trying to eat organic foods. both are expensive and I do not foresee the continuation of this.

i'm bored. peace.

Monday, September 15, 2008

your drug is a heartbreaker... my love is a lifetaker

I have just gone through my finances and the situation is dire. not terribly, but I think I just realized I buy a lot of stuff. things I don't need. like I buy coffee before work almost every day... if I cut that out and maybe only get it once a week (because please, people, there's no way I can give up pumpkin spice mochas fo'eva) I would save $20 a week. and I have a coffeemaker at my apartment, so it's not a biggie.
but seriously... I thought I had so much money and I really don't. not enough that if I lost my job tomorrow, I'd be able to live for several months. even with a shitty newspaper reporter's salary, I feel like I make a lot of money, for me at least. I just gotta curb the ridic spending.
does anyone have a profile? if so, add me. quickchekgrl. I'm listening now, to the weezer station.
today was a sad day. ross had to be put to sleep. I knew this day was coming. we've had him for 12 years, and the vet estimated he was at least two or three years old when we found him... or when he found us, whatever. my dad was joking that I didn't like ross because he often attacked me, but really he was the best cat ever. even last night, when I went home to see him, he was sprawled out on the bathroom floor (he hasn't left the bathroom since he got sick) but when I came in he lifted up his head and started meowing and purring. it was like he was saying goodbye.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

bottle of beast

whenever I get nostalgic for high school, which is rare, and even rarer that it's a pleasant memory, I always think of snow days. early dismissals because of snow, to be more specific. I was miserable during high school, not specifically because of school, but mainly because of my own problems.

but I think I will always remember how snow looked as it fell on pennsylvania avenue as I looked out the window of the chemistry lab, watching the white, wet snow collect on the parking lot of the shitty strip mall across the street. how wet the front lobby was, how muddy and messy, from everyone's shoes dragging slushy snow in and out while waiting for car rides home. wiping snow off of our cars, my cheeks and hands red and burning from the cold, because i never brought gloves or hats to school. and how much fun it was to be old enough to drive home with friends, carefully, through the snow at 11 a.m., ready to spend an afternoon doing absolutely nothing. when I miss high school, I almost always think about snow days. I don't know why.

damn you, chris carabba, for playing randomly on the way home from the bar.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

that's what I love about sundays

nikki, I haven't heard that song in quite some time. we need to change that. I love sundays.

I made many fine purchases today, including season 4 of the office! that will be my night tonight, and I am very excited.

right now I am at my parents' house and checking out what sweet tunes my dad has on his computer. here is what I found:
1.) the little river band (playing at the citizens' voice 30th anniversary party this october at the woodlands!)
2.) bonnie raitt... haaaaave a heart
3.) linda ronstadt... you're no good you're no good you're no good, baby, you're no good
4.) supertramp... take the long way home
5.) the grass roots! yes! midnight confessions. I still think it's nuts that creed is in that band.
6.) peter fucking frampton. epic. SHOW ME THE WAY.
7.) and from the 'new favorites' collection: green day, goo goo dolls and matchbox 20.
the list goes on. hilarious, john, hilarious.

ha he just walked down here, little does he know I'm mocking his iTunes collection.

ummmm I think I'm going to watch the office now. I think it's weird that I came home with my new purchase and my mom was boiling beets. who does that, besides dwight schrute?!? luci g, everyone. what's up mah nerds?

Monday, September 1, 2008

it took a lifespan with no cellmate

I was on my way to write in here earlier but I had some unexpected visitors.

I did absolutely nothing this weekend and I loved it. Unless you count relaxing and being lazy things, then yes, I accomplished a lot. So much so that going back to work tomorrow is going to suck. Oh well.

Tonight I am quite content with sitting here in a T-shirt and boxers and playing the guitar. I am rapidly improving my skills.

Now I will discuss the end of summer. I highly enjoy summer, simply because of the abundant sunlight and warmth. Autumn is my favorite season, mainly because of cinnamon and pumpkin things. After autumn, though, it's all downhill from there. Winter sucks, and spring offers brief glimmers of hope for warm sun but usually is cold, rainy and subjects me to allergy attacks. Thus, except for the fall season, I'm really not happy that today is the beginning of September... until I think about where I was a year ago.