Saturday, August 23, 2008

something dies when you grow older, but you do the best you can

so tonight I arrived home from work to find guitars in my living room and a college-esque party going on next door. nikki and i practiced some fine songs (thus officially starting the greatest band ever, edipis wrecks). then, we crashed the party, which was actually my neighbor's 32nd birthday party... and we didn't really crash, as her friend, and also my neighbor, is a co-worker of mine and invited us over anyway. no matter... ice luges were employed and beer pong was played. what a lovely evening. keith and nikki went out to a bar after but I am tired and have work again tomorrow afternoon so now I am in bed listening to the party going on next door.

let's discuss edipis wrecks. it is a swell band. i play guitar and nikki sings. we practiced 2.5 songs, one of which might contain a lyric that is in my head, and therefore the title of this entry. i'd like our first cd to be called "your face." as in, edipis wrecks your face.

i miss someone right now. what a strange feeling.

EDIT: 12:18 p.m.: the near-30 people next door at the party are singing "livin on a prayer" right now. clearly, i left too early.

1 comment:

cottoncrushing said...

omg i love you. edipis wrecks your mom. i wrote that on your fridge.