Wednesday, August 27, 2008

you've got me right where you want me

yesterday I was allergic to work.

I was fine until the moment I walked into the office, and then I got the worst headache ever. I thought I was going to pass out. I left early, muttering, "I'll just come in early tomorrow," watched Hillary at the DNC, and passed the eff out. 12 hours later, ailment mysteriously gone. allergic to work? must be.

listening to TBS takes me back - way back - to, say, junior year of high school. what a fine time. back when our biggest problems were meeting/keeping some pittston boyfriends and skipping chorus. that was just me? oh.

this entry is such a waste, nothing interesting happened today, I am just writing for the sake of writing peace mother sucka.

after work, I bought almost 2 pounds of pistachios ("deez nuts," if you will) and I think that will be the rest of my night.

Monday, August 25, 2008

yesterday I sunk, today I float

I like when nay comes to visit because my mouth always hurts afterward. from laughing. what were you thinking? sick.

I would like to discuss how I wish I were going back to school. but not grad school. just normal school. I miss going to class and having nothing to do for the rest of the day, or at worse, maybe a paper and a 5-hour shift at the pharmacy. don't get me wrong, I love my job, but... what I want to say is that I wish I had spent less time complaining during college and spent more time enjoying it.

pros of job: money, something to do, getting to sleep in, meeting people, improving writing skills, good co-workers. cons of job: taxes (nikki, I agree, I feel I would be a millionaire by now if not for uncle samuel), somewhat shitty hours, the inability to skip if I am too hungover.

another fine thing about my job is overtime. I worked yesterday and am going to work next sunday as well. why, you ask? cause I need the skills to pay the bills, i.e. rent, student loans and my new car bill!

I just cut a bunch of hair out of my brush and it is disgusting.

edipis wrecks had a great practice today; our third CD will be called edipis wrecks mr. holland's opus.

in closing, whoever really got to label a post scooters, vacation, fall probably had the best day ever.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

something dies when you grow older, but you do the best you can

so tonight I arrived home from work to find guitars in my living room and a college-esque party going on next door. nikki and i practiced some fine songs (thus officially starting the greatest band ever, edipis wrecks). then, we crashed the party, which was actually my neighbor's 32nd birthday party... and we didn't really crash, as her friend, and also my neighbor, is a co-worker of mine and invited us over anyway. no matter... ice luges were employed and beer pong was played. what a lovely evening. keith and nikki went out to a bar after but I am tired and have work again tomorrow afternoon so now I am in bed listening to the party going on next door.

let's discuss edipis wrecks. it is a swell band. i play guitar and nikki sings. we practiced 2.5 songs, one of which might contain a lyric that is in my head, and therefore the title of this entry. i'd like our first cd to be called "your face." as in, edipis wrecks your face.

i miss someone right now. what a strange feeling.

EDIT: 12:18 p.m.: the near-30 people next door at the party are singing "livin on a prayer" right now. clearly, i left too early.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I don't know why it's gotten harder to keep myself away, I thought I finally beat the feeling back, it all came back today

today at work I had to cover a press conference at a women's shelter. the church they were housed in will be sold next month so the shelter has nowhere to go. it was weird, I guess I always had a stereotype in my head that homeless people were, well, homeless for a reason. I can't explain it. but after the conference I talked to a girl that is living there. her name was nicole and she couldn't have been that much older than me. she talked about how she was college-educated and has a son. then she got into an accident and couldn't pay her hospital bills, let alone her rent, and she's been living at the shelter since january. her son can't live there, since it's women-only, so he has to live with his father.
she gestured to a cot and a dresser and said, "this is my entire life now."
it was all too real for me.
I went back and wrote the story and I hope someone can donate a basement or some money so the shelter will continue.

in closing, I think you should be listening to the mountain goats right now.

Monday, August 18, 2008

I haven't written in this thing since I was required to for grades and college credit, but perhaps i will now.
but first I must procure Photoshop so i can make a new header.